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Offering time and heart to stay connected to our mission

We are proud to help organizations enhancing our industry and the broader communities in which we live, work, and play.

Among our core values is genuine caring about the many people and places we touch in our work. Our employees enjoy volunteering time, talents, and treasures to serve unmet community needs. Dozens of our members are currently, or have served as volunteer board members for organizations, with the company’s support. We also assist many of our clients in capital campaigns and fundraising efforts. Supported by our Community Outreach Director, and encouraged by our leadership, Walsh actively takes part in hosting, attending, and leading, local volunteer events for such organizations as CampELSO, Solve, ReBuilding Together, PBDG, NAWIC, and Oregon Tradeswomen.

Community Outreach Director, Afton Walsh, volunteering with CampELSO; planter boxes donated to our client upon project completion; Project Manager, Mariah David, on her involvement with NAWIC; Solve events being attended by Walsh employees.

“The heart of a company is a direct reflection of the heart of its people. At Walsh Construction Co. the leaders have set a tone of generosity, community and serving others. We acknowledge your powerful demonstration of collaboration, partnership and serving the most vulnerable within our Bridge Meadows community. On behalf of the children, families, and elders – thank you!”

– Dr. Derenda Schubert, Executive Director, Bridge Meadows
